
Why Sponsor NANO-SA-2023 

As it is international conference, we are expecting the contributors or invited speakers across the globe, more importantly the students from prominent research institute all over India. As we planned NANO-SA-2023 is a non-profit event, where funding mainly comes from registration fees and sponsors. To keep registration fees at a reasonable level, we are now seeking support from key companies and organizations with a vested interest in the field of science and technology research. Your support will be an important contribution to make this event great and fruitful to researchers from wide community.

We look forward to seeing your benign presence with active contribution and support to make this conference successful. Your early response would be greatly appreciated as it shall enable us to make the final announcement in time.

As detailed hereafter, several packages have been tailored to offer a variety of sponsoring opportunities. For more details/any question regarding sponsorship or if you are interested in any specific option, you are kindly invited to contact the convenor of the conference at mb.gawande@marj.ictmumbai.edu.in

Sponsorship Options

PLATINUM Sponsor - Rs. 2,00,000/-
GOLD Sponsor - Rs. 1,50,000/-
SILVER Sponsor - Rs. 1,00,000/-

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